City Skylines & Climate Chronicles: USA Weather Updates

Central US Braces for Another Round of Intense Storms after Tornadoes

Central United States braces for continued severe weather through Thursday, posing risks for areas already affected by recent storms. Meteorologists warn of tornadoes, strong winds, hail, and flash flooding. Cleanup efforts from previous tornadoes add to the challenge, with the Great Plains and parts of the Mississippi Valley on alert.

While not as severe as last week, the current storms still threaten lives and property. A 900-mile stretch from Nebraska to Texas experienced severe thunderstorms, including wind, hail, and flooding. The risk shifts eastward on Thursday, spanning from Minneapolis to north of Austin.

Flash flooding is a concern in northeastern Texas, eastern Oklahoma, western Arkansas, and central Louisiana. The region has already seen heavy rainfall in April, exacerbating flooding. Severe weather may persist into the weekend, particularly in Tornado Alley, as a storm system moves across the West Coast.

NOAA reports over 4,000 severe weather incidents in 2024, with hundreds of tornadoes, emphasizing the ongoing threat.


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